
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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Showing results 1-15 of 17

  1. Acuity Apr 22 issue is out now

    It’s probably time to stop waiting for things to get back to ‘normal’. Instead, let’s adapt to the new business landscape and thrive...

  2. Dec 21 issue of Acuity magazine is out now

    How can CAs take the lead on sustainability and drive change in their organisations? Find out in the new issue of Acuity...

  3. Aug-Sep 2021 issue of Acuity magazine is out now

    Celebrate inspiring young CAs in Acuity’s latest issue, boost your resilience and choose the right payroll for your business...

  4. Accountants lead the charge back to normality

    Businesses that survive and thrive post-COVID probably have a CA as an adviser, says Sam Allert. Brought to you by APS...

  5. Acuity Apr-May 2021 issue is out now

    Does that ‘ugly problem’ hold an opportunity for growth? Apr-May Acuity covers some common pain points for CAs...

  6. How agility produces better financial models

    An off-the-shelf product is impossible with financial modelling. That’s why an agile approach is useful to ensure it is fit for purpose...

  7. Rejoice! Microsoft is finally listening to accountants

    Accountants should lead the Excel debate to ensure that the software we love and rely on evolves into the tool we deserve...

  8. What’s holding up the blockchain?

    Much has been said about blockchain when it comes to cryptocurrencies, but we have yet to figure out other uses for it...

  9. The dark side of the sharing economy

    The rise of the sharing economy marks another chapter in the technology-enabled revolution that’s overthrowing the established order...

  10. Running a business on $1 a day

    The cloud has given small organisations the opportunity to buy professional tech capabilities at a fraction of the former price...

  11. The uncertain future of work

    A polarisation of jobs may soon occur with widespread ramifications for society. Savvy professionals should consider specialisation and upskilling now...

  12. Governance for transformation

    In a world of open information, governance needs to embrace innovation and organisational transformation...

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