
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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  1. Good networkers start the conversation

    Sam Sargood CA, the Young CA Regional Advocate, VIC, is a R&D tax specialist who believes in embracing new members...

  2. On the board walk: Robin Low FCA and Kevin McCann AM

    Kevin McCann AM and the AICD Chair’s Mentoring Program helped Robin Low FCA move from respected CA to in-demand director...

  3. Striking gold with the FEI Mentoring Program

    In 2004, Chad Barton CA was one of the first mentees in the FEI Mentoring Program. Now he’s a mentor to Tami Kaplan CA...

  4. Finding the RightWay

    Sally Newcombe CA, business partner with RightWay in New Zealand, says understanding people brings success as an accountant...

  5. Watch: Challenging world views at One Young World

    Attending this year’s One Young World summit in Colombia proved to be an eye-opening and challenging experience for Chartered Accountants ANZ delegates Jozo Frankovic and Harry Flett...

  6. Perth: From boom town to room town

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand's Aymee Mastaglia is based in Perth, Western Australia, where business is done a bit differently...

  7. Public speaking as a marketing strategy

    Meet Martz Witty, a CA who is employing a novel approach to marketing to grow his firm and his clients’ businesses...

  8. Boris Johnson talks politics, Gallipoli and Winston Churchill

    Boris Johnson on leadership, welcoming skilled Aussies and Kiwis to London, and Winston Churchill...