
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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Showing results 1-15 of 240

  1. Five ways to recruit and retain audit talent

    With declining numbers entering the auditing profession, firms should focus on these five areas to bolster their workforce...

  2. Beyond the rainbow flag: how to truly support LGBTIQA+ employees

    Creating an inclusive workplace for LGBTIQA+ employees takes more than just words and morning teas...

  3. Three timely TED Talks for leaders

    From leading in a crisis to championing inclusion, these talks address some of the most pressing issues facing today’s leaders...

  4. In the Limelight: Natalie Lennon CA

    Known as the queen of TikTok in accounting circles, Natalie Lennon CA has embraced the short-video platform to help people understand their taxes and how accountants can help them...

  5. Taking a bite out of the Big Apple

    A growing number of Australian and New Zealand chartered accountants are working for international standards setting boards in New York to help develop standards used by the global profession...

  6. How to set goals that stick

    Goal setting isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds. These insights could help you succeed...

  7. Setting the standard: Sue Lloyd FCA

    From the humble childhood goal of wanting to be an accountant, Sue Lloyd FCA has risen through the ranks to become one of the world’s foremost authorities on accounting standards – and her work has...

  8. High flyer

    With a governance portfolio that includes directorships with Air New Zealand and Goodman Property, Laurissa Cooney FCA says climate change and diversity are high on the boardroom agenda...

  9. Accounting in a war zone

    When Victor Guevara CA, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, took leave from his corporate job to deploy for six months to the Middle East, he landed in a different world...

  10. Back on board

    Becoming a parent shouldn’t derail your career. So, are modern parental leave policies making it easier for professionals to take time off and transition back to work effectively? Five chartered...

  11. One plus one: Janet Liu CA and Paul Greer CA

    When Janet Liu CA moved from China to Australia, the cultural shift proved bigger than she had anticipated. Her mentor Paul Greer CA helped guide her onto a pathway that suited her to a tee...

  12. Made to measure: Andreas Barckow

    As chair of the International Accounting Standards Board, Andreas Barckow has to balance the needs of more than 140 jurisdictions...

  13. Two CAs tell us what it’s like to work overseas

    Julian Nasisi CA and Pablo Arenas CA share what prompted them to work overseas and what they gained from the experience...

  14. Five business lessons from a rugby referee

    Wellington rugby referee Hamish Mexted CA has learned valuable lessons about motivation and more, which he uses to be better in business...

  15. Retaining talent with health insurance

    With staff turnover in New Zealand jumping to 20.5% in 2022, organisations are seeking novel ways to keep their key employees onboard. Brought to you by Crombie Lockwood...

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