
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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Showing results 1-15 of 119

  1. Five ways to recruit and retain audit talent

    With declining numbers entering the auditing profession, firms should focus on these five areas to bolster their workforce...

  2. Beyond the rainbow flag: how to truly support LGBTIQA+ employees

    Creating an inclusive workplace for LGBTIQA+ employees takes more than just words and morning teas...

  3. Back on board

    Becoming a parent shouldn’t derail your career. So, are modern parental leave policies making it easier for professionals to take time off and transition back to work effectively? Five chartered...

  4. One plus one: Janet Liu CA and Paul Greer CA

    When Janet Liu CA moved from China to Australia, the cultural shift proved bigger than she had anticipated. Her mentor Paul Greer CA helped guide her onto a pathway that suited her to a tee...

  5. Five business lessons from a rugby referee

    Wellington rugby referee Hamish Mexted CA has learned valuable lessons about motivation and more, which he uses to be better in business...

  6. Retaining talent with health insurance

    With staff turnover in New Zealand jumping to 20.5% in 2022, organisations are seeking novel ways to keep their key employees onboard. Brought to you by Crombie Lockwood...

  7. Moments: Valeriya Alexandrova CA

    Leaving the Siberian cold behind, Valeriya Alexandrova CA has called Sydney, Australia home for the last 12 years. She’s grateful she can pursue her passion for numbers at Altus Financial, while...

  8. A trip down memory lane

    Some of our longest-serving CAs have witnessed incredible changes in the work accountants do and how they do it...

  9. Have skills, will travel

    In an economic landscape still emerging from COVID-19, immigration has surfaced as one of the keys to recovery. How can Australia and New Zealand attract more accounting professionals, and will...

  10. How to attract talent in a challenging job market

    At a time when recruiting and retaining accounting talent is difficult, employment policies at some firms are having a big impact in getting the right candidates to come on board and build a career...

  11. Moments: Kirstin Stewart CA

    This Perth native initially studied a Bachelor of Arts until her administration role in a small practice led Kirstin Stewart CA to realise she wanted to be an accountant. She transferred to a Commerce...

  12. Our latest Leadership in Government Awards recipients share the secret to their success

    Joyce Low FCA and Elisha Toey CA have been awarded CA ANZ Leadership in Government Awards for their outstanding work in the public sector...

  13. Support act: CAs giving back to the community

    Lorrae Collins FCA attained her qualification working for corporate firms, but has found purpose, value and joy as head of finance for Wayside Chapel...

  14. Moments: Brendon Harrex CA

    A New Zealand boy from the bush dreamed of one day becoming an accountant, but that wasn’t the only epiphany Brendon Harrex CA has experienced; he also finds serenity, acceptance and courage through...

  15. Meet your 2023 CA ANZ president

    Murray Harrington FCA has plans for his stewardship. After serving as CA ANZ vice president for two years, the New Zealander – who holds a number of directorships and governance roles – has ideas...

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