
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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  1. Meet the CA: Diane Robinson CA

    Diane Robinson CA finished writing her novel Hive of Lies during Auckland’s lockdown and self-published it this year...

  2. Living with post-COVID prejudice

    It’s cost him A$100,000 in lost fees and flattened him for three weeks, but COVID-19 still isn’t done with this accountant...

  3. Get out of your pyjamas: leading from home during COVID-19

    David Cox CA, head of finance at Open Universities Australia, shares real-world tips for leading from home during a pandemic...

  4. What three years on a boat taught Michael Gale CA about isolation

    Michael Gale CA spent 3½ years circumnavigating the globe. He learned some useful lessons for the COVID-19 lockdown...

  5. Mental health for CAs in challenging times

    Your clients are anxious, all your family is working from home, and the beach is shut. How do you stop yourself panicking?...