Date posted: 12/03/2021 5 min read

Unfinished business in 2021

The coming year has its challenges, but it’s an opportunity to reimagine and rebuild a better, more prosperous future.

In Brief

  • Educator Dr Nives Botica Redmayne is the 2021 CA ANZ president.
  • She will have a special focus on education and sustainability issues.
  • 2021 will still be a year of challenges, but CA ANZ will be there to assist members.

I’m very proud of the way our profession and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand responded to everything 2020 threw at us, from climate-related disasters to COVID-19.

In that regard, as your president in 2021, I feel I am standing on the shoulders of others allowing me to advance some unfinished business.

We face further disruption and uncertainty from non-financial risks in the wake of the global pandemic, on top of long-standing challenges arising from a rapidly changing technology landscape.

The coming reset is the opportunity for us to not only respond and recover, but also reimagine and rebuild a better, more prosperous and sustainable future.

As has been highlighted during the past year, CA ANZ will be there for you, helping you make a genuine difference.

Education and sustainability – both key elements of the reset – are two particular passions I would like to focus on during my presidency.

“Education and sustainability – both key elements of the reset – are two particular passions I would like to focus on during my presidency.”
Dr Nives Botica Redmayne FCA President, CA ANZ

Education is more than just an entry to our designation. The commitment to lifelong learning makes us who we are and underpins our respect. Because we treasure education, and treat it as a long-term commitment, we are regarded as an important part of the business community worldwide.

So, it is a special honour to be your president when we introduce a new future-focused CA Program this year.

In my day job of teaching accounting, I spend time with young people, or new and incoming members, on a daily basis. I endeavour to understand them and their world, to engage with them and help them learn.

I will maintain the drive of our previous president, Peter Rupp FCA, to bring these young voices to the table, including representation in the governance of our professional body.

This year will be a seminal moment for sustainability. The Paris Agreement to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions takes effect and our countries will be increasingly held to account for their public commitments.

There will also be further significant progress to harmonise global sustainability reporting frameworks. In particular, I would like to focus on keeping non-financial risk and sustainable operating practices at the forefront for businesses.

As an organisation, your member body is very well placed to help you meet these challenges. We have reached a certain level of maturity, both in terms of governance and operations, and we have an excellent team that works very well together.

Living and working in a smaller region means I am familiar with small- and medium-sized CA practices, but I also have a Big Four background so I hear from both ends of town.

I am very much looking forward to working with you, and for you – meeting as many of you as possible – in 2021. It will be my privilege and a pleasure.

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