Date posted: 30/07/2020 5 min read

Support act: Stephnie Hon CA shares her knowledge in PNG

Stephnie Hon CA volunteered to give back to the community by lecturing post-grad students in Papua New Guinea.

In Brief

  • Stephnie Hon CA volunteered to teach MBA students in Papua New Guinea in October 2019.
  • She says in some developing nations people are struggling to access quality education.
  • Her work in PNG also involved writing a textbook using PNG data, designing course work and classroom activities.

In October 2019, I volunteered to lecture students in both the MBA (Management) and MBA (Accounting and Finance) degrees at Divine Word University (DWU) in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG).

As well as teaching, this included designing the course work, classroom activities, setting up assignment and exam questions, marking and grading.

My students are all high-powered in their country, including the CEO of a large hospital chain, the general manager of a mining business, accountants, doctors and lawyers.

I was very excited to see them and they were very warm towards me. It was most satisfying to help take their careers to the next level, along with sharing a different culture, language and food.

“It was most satisfying to help take their careers to the next level”
Stephnie Hon CA

Today, in some countries, people are still struggling to access quality education. It’s quite disheartening on many levels. In some cases, it is very difficult for women in particular to go to university on their own, because it isn’t safe for them to be out alone after dark.

My work in PNG also involved writing a textbook, which I co-authored with Professor John Croucher from Macquarie University. All the examples are based on PNG experiences rather than using overseas data, and the book can be used at any tertiary institution in the country.

In February this year, I was appointed as an adjunct lecturer at DWU.

To be able to give back to the community is an amazing experience. It provides a sense of belonging and feeling part of PNG as a developing country and our nearest neighbour. One day I would love to be able to build a school or hospital in a developing or third-world country.

Stephnie Hon CA 

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