Date posted: 22/02/2019 5 min read

Meet a CA | George Bogdanovic FCA, NSW Regional Council Chair 2019

In a time of profound change, CAs can help shape the future of the accounting profession, says George Bogdanovic FCA.

In Brief

  • As 2019 NSW Regional Council Chair, George Bogdanovic FCA is keen to actively listen to members’ concerns and respond to their needs.
  • He says it’s crucial that the CA learning program remain relevant in a time of technological and economic change.
  • A volunteer board member of Wheelchair Sports NSW himself, he is proud so many CA ANZ members are helping charities fulfil their mission.

When he was a child, George Bogdanovic FCA wanted a job where he carried a briefcase, because he imagined such a case contained terribly important papers and anyone with a briefcase must be going to important meetings.

These days, Sydney-based Bogdanovic is head of Risk & Strategy at Avant Mutual and a volunteer board member of Wheelchair Sports NSW. He does important stuff, but he’s not carting crucial documents about in his briefcase – they’re online.

It’s a neat illustration of how the world has transformed. As the NSW Regional Council Chair for 2019, Bogdanovic is keen for chartered accountants, and their organisation, to be focused on the future and ready to ride the wave of change.

“While we don’t know exactly what future technology and ways of working will look like, we need to adapt the CA learning programs to remain relevant.”
George Bogdanovic FCA

What made you stick up your hand to be regional council chair?

George Bogdanovic FCA

The economy is in the midst of profound change and there is potential for significant opportunities for CAs and the broader accounting profession. I feel this is a critical time for our members and CA ANZ management to work together in shaping our future. I felt I could contribute in this process.

What are your top three priorities as regional council chair?

  • Providing guidance, from a member perspective, on how strategic initiatives can be deployed to serve our members.
  • Ensuring CA ANZ remains member focused, by actively listening to our members’ collective voice, and responding to their needs.
  • Aiming to ensure our members’ views are well represented, and they receive the support of their Regional Council with any issues or concerns.

What makes you proud of the CA community in your region?

It is great that so many members are involved in supporting social causes and helping charities fulfil their mission; as well as mentoring other CAs, leading special interest groups, and adopting leadership positions in their local communities. I am humbled to hear stories of members who give time helping others.

What’s an important priority for the future of your region?

New South Wales is blessed with natural resources, infrastructure, and hardworking people. I feel our biggest priority for the next 20 years is improving the quality of life for our citizens in NSW in a way that leaves our environment in better shape than we inherited it. That’s a challenge!

What do you think is the most important issue for the future of the profession?

How we evolve our education and support networks for the benefit of future generations of CAs. While we don’t know exactly what future technology and ways of working will look like, we need to adapt the CA learning programs to remain relevant.

What have you learnt about achieving strategic goals?

Strategic goals must guide us in doing what is right when we make decisions. Achieving strategic goals requires clarity of purpose around how you intend to help others improve the world we live in. 

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be “businessman”. As far as I could figure out it meant walking around in a business suit, carrying a briefcase. I imagined that there must be important stuff in these briefcases, being taken to important meetings. I was kind of right.

What’s on your reading/viewing list?

I had my fingers crossed that this year I’d be watching the launch of the James Webb telescope launch, which will replace the Hubble Space Telescope. But that’s been delayed to March 2021!

What do you like to do for fun or to unwind?

Travelling and camping with family and friends, a spot of fishing and toasting marshmallows around the campfire. My favourite spot so far is Uluru, a truly magical place.

What’s your top tip for visitors to your neck of the woods?

  • I have to recommend a visit to Bondi Beach!
  • The coastal walk from Bondi to Coogee on a sunny Sydney day is one of the best coastal walks in the world.