
How innovation, digital disruption and new ideas are driving change in business

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Showing results 226-240 of 320

  1. Effective social media — a key business objective

    Social media is strengthening its place as a major component of business strategy...

  2. Will job-cutting technologies change labour demand?

    In the face of new technologies, nations and their governments should concentrate on mastering technologies and seizing opportunities...

  3. So you’re hit by a data breach. What happens next?

    Cybersecurity is vital, but businesses must also map out what to do if they suffer a successful cyber attack...

  4. Augmented reality the new black

    Why augmented reality may soon revolutionise location-specific learning, corporate onboarding and induction programmes...

  5. Unlocking growth in a downturn

    During times of economic disruption, accountants who harness automation and diversify for business growth are more likely to remain competitive. Brought to you by Ignition...

  6. The top implementation metric

    User engagement was the top priority for Prospa’s surprisingly simple transformation from an Excel-based system to something far more powerful. Brought to you by BlackLine...

  7. Years of business experience in one software suite

    Used by the Big Four as well as CAs in practice, this software surfaces business insights for better decision-making. Brought to you by Spotlight Reporting...

  8. Dave Whittle's winning formula for leadership

    Simplicity and the creative use of data vital to successful business transformation says digital native Dave Whittle...

  9. Client connection in the cloud

    COVID-19 has changed the accountant-client relationship forever. Brought to you by Sage Accountant Cloud...

  10. What the Reckon sale means for accountants

    Accounting software company Reckon has sold APS and Reckon Elite to The Access Group for $100 million. What does that mean for Reckon customers?...

  11. What you need to know about 5G networks

    5G promises faster connectivity but there are a few steps to go before super speedy downloads are available in the Antipodes...

  12. 5 things you didn’t know about blockchain

    Fraud-resistant and almost unhackable, here is how blockchain is starting to deliver on its buzz...

  13. Seven steps to comply with new data laws

    Organisations which do not comply with new data protection laws in the EU and Australia can face tough penalties. Here’s a checklist to avoid falling foul of the new data rules...

  14. The warning signs that you need ERP

    Organic business growth is a dream scenario, but can become a reporting nightmare with disparate IT systems not properly integrated. Brought to you by Liberate I.T...

  15. Gunning for drones

    How can we protect our privacy against badly-behaved drones? CA Claire Newey, CFO of DroneShield in Sydney works with business and government to detect, block and repel invasive drones...