
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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Showing results 1-15 of 46

  1. Support act: Andrew Macdonald CA on the fire front

    Andrew Macdonald CA has been a volunteer with the NSW Rural Fire Service for more than 30 years...

  2. Anthony Pike FCA: ‘I’m a far better listener than I was 20 years ago’

    Anthony Pike FCA has worked with Indigenous businesses for more than 25 years and learned the real value of listening...

  3. Bill Moss AO: ‘It’s going to be a major time for innovation’

    Former Macquarie Bank executive Bill Moss AO has adaptation in a post-pandemic world at the top of his agenda...

  4. Meet the Canberra Raiders tragic: Ray Itaoui CA

    This Hayes Knight director once dreamed of being a rugby league star, but now he shares advice to young CAs...

  5. The new CA Program – where two passions meet

    The new CA Program and Capability+ tool aim to futureproof chartered accountants’ careers...

  6. Meet the CA: Timothy Jacob CA

    Timothy Jacob CA heads finance at Who Gives a Crap, which sells eco-friendly loo paper and tissues to help build toilets...

  7. Moments: Sue Sheldon CNZM FCA

    Sue Sheldon CNZM FCA’s many accolades recognise her contribution to the accounting profession and the New Zealand community...

  8. How to clothe 100,000 Aussies in need: Anthony Chesler CA

    Anthony Chesler CA, the CEO of clothing not-for-profit Thread Together, is helping solve two serious issues at once...

  9. Jarrod Chapman CA and Stephen Bushell FCA: the NFP board experience

    The Not-for-profit Board Experience Program enables CAs to learn from NFP board members and Governance Institute workshops...

  10. Meet the 2021 CA ANZ President: Dr Nives Botica Redmayne FCA

    Dr Nives Botica Redmayne FCA has a deep passion to make education accessible and appropriate, and business more sustainable...

  11. Meet the CA volunteering in mental health: Renu Thomas CA

    Listening is Renu Thomas CA’s most important skill as a volunteer at suicide prevention service Samaritans, Wellington...

  12. Health insurance for busy CAs

    HCF is giving members access to mental health services, no matter how straightforward or complex. Brought to you by HCF...

  13. Support act: Poohan Nathan CA

    Poohan Nathan CA is CEO of Asuwere in Auckland and a board director of international NGO ChildFund New Zealand...

  14. Playing the long game for your career

    BDO’s William Tuffley CA is on a mission to help athletes build rewarding careers beyond the final whistle...

  15. HCF lets CAs get cosy with health app Snug

    HCF has taken its corporate health cover for CAs to the next level, adding a Snug Health partnership. Brought to you by HCF...

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