
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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Showing results 16-30 of 46

  1. Anthony Pike FCA: ‘I’m a far better listener than I was 20 years ago’

    Anthony Pike FCA has worked with Indigenous businesses for more than 25 years and learned the real value of listening...

  2. 7 ways to build personal resilience

    Former CFO Darren Box shares tips to build personal resilience that he learned as an ultrarunner...

  3. “This is an area that I live and breathe”: why this CA enrolled in the SMSF Specialisation Program

    Networking, technical understanding and credibility are just some of the benefits Glenn Roberts gains from being a CA SMSF Specialist...

  4. HCF lets CAs get cosy with health app Snug

    HCF has taken its corporate health cover for CAs to the next level, adding a Snug Health partnership. Brought to you by HCF...

  5. Specialist shares why risk experts are in demand

    The Chartered Accountants ANZ Risk Specialisation Program was a way for Westpac’s Chithroobi Gunaratnam CA to consolidate her knowledge in an increasingly complex field...

  6. Moments: How Jake Richardson CA went from Adelaide to global media

    This Blue Ant Media finance man has journeyed to London, Sydney and Canada – with a few celebrity spottings on the way...

  7. The issue: Women and work

    Women in Australia’s finance sector earn 76.4 cents for every dollar men earn but pay is just one aspect of women and work...

  8. Jobs outlook improves

    The employment outlook for chartered accountants is improving for those looking to move...

  9. Mentored from the top: Anthony Antonio CA and Michael Boggs CA

    Anthony Antonio CA from Countdown supermarkets was surprised to get a media CEO, Michael Boggs CA, as his mentor...

  10. Support act: How Jayde Taylor CA helps women in and beyond prison

    Jayde Taylor CA is on the board of Prison Network which supports women both in and beyond their time in Victoria’s prisons...

  11. How your sex affects your resume

    Your gender affects when and how you apply for a job. What do women and men do differently?...

  12. How to write a killer resume

    A modern resume needs to show you have kept up with the times, and it’s senior CAs who most need to change their approach...

  13. Are you a future leader?

    Calling on young CAs to participate in our Future Leaders edition - sharing their exceptional leadership, innovation and commitment to community...

  14. Meet the CA going places: Sarah Oelofse CA

    Sarah Oelofse CA, Hamilton Airport’s group financial accountant, was the first in her family to go to university...

  15. The new CA Program – where two passions meet

    The new CA Program and Capability+ tool aim to futureproof chartered accountants’ careers...