Taking a bite out of the Big Apple
A growing number of Australian and New Zealand chartered accountants are working for international standards setting boards in New York to help develop standards used by the global profession...
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.
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Clear filtersA growing number of Australian and New Zealand chartered accountants are working for international standards setting boards in New York to help develop standards used by the global profession...
It’s critical all CA ANZ members understand their obligation to self-report any potential disciplinary matters against them...
Calling on young CAs to participate in our Future Leaders edition - sharing their exceptional leadership, innovation and commitment to community...
Sir David Tweedie didn’t plan on being an accountant, but ended up chairing the International Accounting Standards Board...
The new IASB chair Andreas Barckow says he wants to accelerate the digitisation of financial reporting...
The coronavirus pandemic gave Dr Keith Kendall, the new chair of Australia’s accounting standard setter, a curious start...
After a career spanning five decades, Frank Owen FCA is now giving back to chartered accountants and the accounting industry...
KPMG Australia’s new chairman Alison Kitchen, whose audit career spans more than 30 years, wants her firm to open up to the public. Can that plan survive in a sceptical era?...
How should accountants approach a disciplinary hearing? Dennis Robertson FCA shares insights from years of sitting on CA ANZ’s Australian Disciplinary Tribunal...
The AASB’s Kris Peach FCA has faced friction and pushback over changing accounting standards, but she’s not fazed...
New Zealand’s CFO of the year, Jennifer Whooley, has built her career in commercial property...
New president of the International Federation of Accountants, Rachel Grimes FCA, is prepared to roll up her sleeves and help as the accounting profession faces significant changes...
Acuity speaks with Sydney-based Rachel Grimes FCA, the newly elected president of the International Federation of Accountants...