
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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  1. The sticks and the city

    An Australian start-up is matching accountants and clients online regardless of their location, bolstering regional businesses and cutting compliance costs...

  2. The women who inspire Margaret Zhang

    Acuity magazine June/July 2017 cover star Margaret Zhang on the young women who inspire her...

  3. Watch and learn

    Ian Leggett FCA extols the values of “keeping your eyes open and learning from others” that have served him well in the UK’s publishing industry...

  4. Margaret Zhang and the future of work

    Loaded up on technology and global ambition, the younger generation is ready to take the modern workforce by storm. And fashion icon Margaret Zhang is leading the charge...

  5. CA ANZ president urges CAs to evolve

    The new president of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Cassandra Crowley FCA, plans to help the organisation evolve to stay relevant...

  6. Former PwC partner on the business of musical theatre

    Bernie Eastman's passion for staging musical theatre and opera should strike a chord for everyone in business – whether they have an ear for music or not...