
The inside word from chartered accountants, industry icons and business and political leaders.

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  1. The London mentor connection

    With a shared Antipodean background, London-based chartered accountants Wendy Peoples and Michelle Mak formed an immediate bond when they started their mentoring relationship...

  2. Winning on the corporate frontline

    Monica Ly, finance manager at Westpac wealth management arm BT Financial Group, collaborates with her colleagues to translate numbers into actionable insights...

  3. Putting a global shine on the Perth Mint

    Caroline Preuss FCA is in an enviable position: her employer, the Perth Mint, literally prints its own money. But with global markets to compete in, it’s not all plain sailing...

  4. Harnessing the power of the mind

    Camille Woods CA, accounting academic and owner of Monday Mind meditation school, harnesses the power of the mind for work and play...

  5. The power and the passion

    After stepping down as South Australia chair of KPMG last year, Con Tragakis FCA remains passionate about promoting his home state...

  6. Sydneys virtual CFO sets a trend

    David Thomas CA left a corporate career in the city for the surf, to turn around charities and credit unions, and is now striking out on his own as an outsourced CFO...

  7. The Journey after One Young World

    Over a year on from One Young World 2016, Acuity catches up with Charles Zhang, co-founder of Journey Crowdfunding...

  8. CA brothers score runs in cricket and business

    For New Zealanders Ross and Donald Jackson, playing cricket has been a family obsession through the generations which has opened doors to grow their NZ firm...

  9. CA knows the power of a good brand story

    Karina McLauchlan, an Australian CA based in the US, talks about her role as vice-president of finance for famed shoe firm Shoes of Prey and why she thrives on the power of a good brand story...

  10. The expat life in South Korea

    As the acting CEO for the ANZ Banking Group in Seoul, Richard Watt CA says he has jumped at any chance that came his way within the group...