
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

Showing results 1-15 of 327

  1. New Zealand's economy as good as gold

    Ask New Zealand’s National Government’s “finance guy” about his vision for the New Zealand economy and Steven Joyce will tell you you’re soaking in it...

  2. How the COVID-19 pandemic made our business stronger

    When your business is wiped out in three days, you can give up or flip your business model completely...

  3. Government spending: keeping up with the Joneses?

    As recent budgets demonstrate, Australia and New Zealand aren’t alone in spending money they don’t have. But can we afford to have government operating on a buy-now, pay-later basis?...

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  4. President’s letter

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand welcomes the new president for 2023, Murray Harrington FCA...

  5. February/March ‘Acuity’ out now

    The February/March issue of ‘Acuity’ magazine is out now, packed with content for chartered accountants working across industry, practice and enterprise...

  6. The Jim & Grant Show

    Treasurers on both sides of the ditch will be pleased with how their May budgets were received. However, what elements are sound fiscal policy and what comes down to luck?...

  7. Stay up to date with the big shifts

    The times they are a-changin’ … Use these CA Library resources to keep pace with the big shifts in business and society...

  8. 3 tips for saying no

    If you want to achieve your goals at work, you need to master one short, powerful word, says executive coach Lisa Stephenson...

  9. Is stress keeping you up at night?

    If stress at work is keeping you up at night, follow these sleep-promoting tips to get a better night’s rest...

  10. June-July 2020 issue of Acuity magazine is out now

    COVID-19 is shaking economies across the globe, and Acuity’s latest issue explores getting to the other side...

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  11. London link-up for CA ANZ members

    The 14th Annual Joint Conference, held in London on 23 March 2019, was the best yet for UK-based CA ANZ members...

  12. President's letter: Kaya and kia ora koutou

    Looking ahead to this year, the challenges and opportunities for our profession remain and I will continue the good work of my predecessors, including Murray Harrington FCA, our 2023 president...

  13. The dark side of the sharing economy

    The rise of the sharing economy marks another chapter in the technology-enabled revolution that’s overthrowing the established order...

  14. The jewel in New Zealand's tax crown

    Peter Vial CA outlines why New Zealand’s Generic Tax Policy Process (GTPP) is the envy of tax practitioners in other jurisdictions...

  15. The psychology behind financial risk calculations

    Acuity canvasses three very different approaches to calculating financial risk and looks at the psychology behind decisions...

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