
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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Showing results 16-30 of 47

  1. China’s policy paradox

    An analysis of the conflicting messages Beijing is creating regarding foreign firms operating within China's borders...

  2. Tony Blair's democratic insurrection

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s call for voters to think again about leaving the European Union was an Emperor’s New Clothes moment...

  3. The rise of alt-unionism

    Why the push to legally constrain union activity has led to a new movement that is more spontaneous and unpredictable: alt-unionism...

  4. The wages of wage fear

    Governments in developed countries need to take bolder action on raising the price of lower-skilled labour, or risk alienating a vocal group of constituents...

  5. The jewel in New Zealand's tax crown

    Peter Vial CA outlines why New Zealand’s Generic Tax Policy Process (GTPP) is the envy of tax practitioners in other jurisdictions...

  6. No strings attached financial advice

    The scandalous history of the financial services industry has amply demonstrated that trust cannot be won by disclosure of conflicts and the adoption of higher levels of academic education.   As...

  7. New Zealand's economy as good as gold

    Ask New Zealand’s National Government’s “finance guy” about his vision for the New Zealand economy and Steven Joyce will tell you you’re soaking in it...

  8. Australia's electricity market lacking in agility

    Why Australia’s electricity market is not agile and innovative enough to keep up with demand...

  9. Chevron: A game-changer for multinational tax avoiders

    Why the Australian Tax Office’s win in its recent tax avoidance case against Chevron will open the floodgates for similar proceedings against other multinationals...

  10. The dark side of the sharing economy

    The rise of the sharing economy marks another chapter in the technology-enabled revolution that’s overthrowing the established order...

  11. How to plan a remote working escape

    Could you pack up the family, head overseas for an extended period and still run your business?...

  12. Registered charities in New Zealand making progress

    Registered charities in New Zealand are making progress with more than half of all registered charities complying with mandatory requirements...

  13. The eight most annoying workplace habits

    How many of these eight annoying things are you guilty of doing in the workplace?...

  14. Social status and leadership success

    Leadership: mapping the high seas of social approval in a status hungry world...

  15. Are SMSFs losing their lustre?

    Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) have been embraced by Australians, but are they damaging Australia’s robust superannuation system?...