
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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  1. Do CA ethics and values produce better leaders?

    Outgoing CA ANZ President Jane Stanton FCA says the ethics and values that guide chartered accountants are precious commodities in a world needing leaders...

  2. Machiavelli Inc: Are corporations psychopaths?

    Corporations are legal, but it’s hard to consider them moral. A philosopher asks whether they should be thought of as psychopaths...

  3. Lessons for populist leaders in disruptive times

    Rob Ward AM FCA on the leadership lessons we need to learn as populist movements in democracies grow...

  4. Spirit and substance in financial planning reforms

    Robert Brown FCA on the challenges of the recently proposed education and ethical standards body for Australia’s financial planning industry...

  5. Raising standards for financial advisers

    Australia’s Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer outlines her view on financial advisers...

  6. Australia you have a transparency problem

    Paul M Southwick CA offers his view on the five things Australia should do to improve its sliding transparency rating...

  7. Complacency towards corruption our biggest threat

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand CEO Lee White FCA addresses Australia’s complacency towards corruption...

  8. Is neuromarketing becoming unethical?

    As neuromarketing gathers pace and we can be increasingly manipulated, pressing ethical questions need to be answered...