
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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Showing results 1-15 of 19

  1. Powerful problems

    As temperatures fall and energy prices rise, should government be stepping in, or will the market work it out?...

  2. On your markets, get set… stop

    With the pandemic still poking holes in NZ central bankers’ strategies, is the wisest thing to do just sit and wait?...

  3. Economics through the looking glass (aka Modern Monetary Theory)

    Voodoo economics? The gospel according to bleeding hearts? Modern Monetary Theory has been called many things...

  4. The power of our CA voice

    CA ANZ is working to amplify our members’ voice, and we need your input...

  5. Who should do the sums on campaign promises?

    Professional bodies don’t often call out politicians’ rubbery figures during elections, but an independent agency should...

  6. 3½ reasons why inflation is stubbornly low

    Are central bankers really to blame for unusually low inflation? Growth could stay sluggish, despite their monetary policies...

  7. The future is Asian. But are we?

    Where do Australia and New Zealand sit in a new world order based on the Eurasian continent? Ask Dr Parag Khanna...

  8. Why CAs should spend time with our Asian neighbours

    Asia is hugely important for business, but are Australia and New Zealand getting it right? Here’s what Asia-based CAs think...

  9. Big, bigger, beastly: How mega corporations threaten global markets

    Mega-mergers can deliver a raw deal for consumers and it’s time regulators looked at the real impact...

  10. NZ Wellbeing Budget an ‘evolution’, not a revolution

    NZ’s 2019 Wellbeing Budget has been welcomed, but chartered accountants want hard metrics for evidence-based decision-making...

  11. Accounting’s future climate

    Root cause analysis, climate-related risk reporting and an economic tilt to Asia are changing accounting...

  12. What a Joko Widodo victory in Indonesia means for Australian business

    Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo looks set for a second term. How could his ambitious economic targets impact Australia?...

  13. NZ’s Wellbeing Budget: laudable, logical, but how measurable?

    New Zealand will unveil its world-first Wellbeing Budget in May 2019, but calculating its success may be challenging...

  14. London link-up for CA ANZ members

    The 14th Annual Joint Conference, held in London on 23 March 2019, was the best yet for UK-based CA ANZ members...

  15. Australian Federal Budget 2019-20: CA ANZ reacts

    The Coalition has unveiled Australia’s first budget surplus in a decade, and tax breaks to entice voters as an election looms...

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