
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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Showing results 16-30 of 117

  1. President’s letter: Sustainability ties bind nations and build diverse careers for CAs

    Chartered Accountants in Australia, New Zealand and Asia face the collective challenge of increasing sustainable practices to address climate change...

  2. How to give yourself 15% more time in your workday

    Putting effort in the right place at the right time will allow you to take control of your daily to-do list and achieve more...

  3. Ukraine is just the latest explosion in supply chain risks

    Infosys Portland supply chain specialists Simon Coates and Kieran Heinze outline the major supply chain threats to business...

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  4. Acuity Apr 22 issue is out now

    It’s probably time to stop waiting for things to get back to ‘normal’. Instead, let’s adapt to the new business landscape and thrive...

  5. Happy days are here again. Mostly

    It won’t all be plain sailing, but the spending data points to a couple of good years for economies on both sides of the Tasman...

  6. Build Back Better

    From changes in tax and audit to climate change action, we asked CAs and CA ANZ’s divisional experts what to expect in 2022...

  7. Acuity Feb 22 issue is out now

    With 2022 tipped as the year we finally exit the pandemic (fingers crossed), Acuity explores how CAs can build back better...

  8. Dec 21 issue of Acuity magazine is out now

    How can CAs take the lead on sustainability and drive change in their organisations? Find out in the new issue of Acuity...

  9. Navigating climate risks and opportunities

    Climate change is a challenge that needs a collective response if we’re to reach net zero by 2050, says a CA ANZ panel...

  10. From CA Library: the Holy Grail of growth

    Whether it’s growing your skills, expanding your business or finding your purpose, these CA Library resources can help...

  11. The secret that lawyers wish all accountants knew

    When accountants share the advisory load with a reliable legal partner it can lead to better client outcomes...

  12. How to manage your wellbeing during the tax cycle

    Find out why an accountancy mindset may be eroding your wellbeing and what you can do to unlock better performance...

  13. President’s letter: Shaping a sustainable future

    Managing climate risk is becoming a permanent part of doing business, irrespective of industry sector or geographic location...