
Insights and opinions on business and finance and the changing world we live in

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Showing results 46-58 of 58

  1. London link-up for CA ANZ members

    The 14th Annual Joint Conference, held in London on 23 March 2019, was the best yet for UK-based CA ANZ members...

  2. Australia vs NZ fiscal policy: who wins the trans-Tasman cup?

    Fiscal policy ought to help manage an economy’s ups and downs. So who has played the fiscal policy game best over 20 years?...

  3. How to better manage your brain and your business

    The CA Library has resources to teach you how to sharpen your focus, build a cybershield for your business, and lots more...

  4. Do CA ethics and values produce better leaders?

    Outgoing CA ANZ President Jane Stanton FCA says the ethics and values that guide chartered accountants are precious commodities in a world needing leaders...

  5. Seeing into the future

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand President Jane Stanton explores the need to uphold the profession’s competencies and values...

  6. Stress-busting tactics

    The best approaches to dealing with stress and anxiety...

  7. The future of work is female

    There are dire predictions about the future of work, from jobs disappearing through automation to the precarious life of the gig economy. But the turning tide of work patterns is likely to favour...

  8. The uncertain future of work

    A polarisation of jobs may soon occur with widespread ramifications for society. Savvy professionals should consider specialisation and upskilling now...

  9. Is it time for the four-day working week?

    Keynes suggested that once humanity was unshackled from toil, we would begin to work less. But that hasn’t happened...

  10. Mindfulness: A simple way to live and lead better

    Why do more and more business leaders swear by mindfulness? And could it make your work – and your life – better?...

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