
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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  1. Making connections

    Indigenous knowledge and values are being increasingly respected and embraced in New Zealand and elsewhere. This can provide much-needed clarity, ideas and inspiration, especially regarding the...

  2. Why business email compromise is a real threat to New Zealand businesses

    Business email compromise is a rich source of valuable data – and payment fraud opportunities – for cybercriminals. Brought to you by Wotton + Kearney...

  3. NZ underinsurance becoming ‘critical’

    A government report has revealed many Kiwis have inadequate cover and are taking a big financial risk. Brought to you by PinnacleLife...

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  4. For farming, is net zero ambitious enough?

    Lake Hāwea Station, a New Zealand sheep and beef farm, demonstrates how being carbon positive can also be profitable...

  5. Are you ready to outsource compliance?

    More and more firms are reducing the time and money they spend on compliance by engaging specialists to take care of it for them. Brought to you by Admin Army...

  6. How to navigate a hard insurance market

    Numerous global factors can drive up premiums for SMEs, putting pressure on budgets and making accountants and brokers even more critical to clients. Brought to you by Crombie Lockwood...

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