
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 32

  1. Why should companies and employees have shared values?

    Shared valued connects the dots between a company’s competitiveness and the health of the community. Capitalising on these connections is good for business and society...

  2. Talent is the first step to innovation

    People with a talent for responding to change are key to developing an innovation culture...

  3. How to ace your video job interview

    Office life – how to impress in a video interview with a potential employer...

  4. Corruption and bribery in New Zealand and Australia

    Are Australia and New Zealand really low-corruption bastions of ethical corporate conduct?...

  5. Generational change in the workplace

    How is generational change best managed in the c-suite? CEOs offer their experience...

  6. Are entrepreneurs born or bred?

    Are you born an entrepreneur, or is it something anyone can learn, given the right education, experience and mentoring?...

  7. How to negotiate a pay rise like a boss

    Tim Lee, national communications manager at Lloyd Morgan, offers five key areas to focus on to negotiate the pay terms to match your true value...

  8. 8 public speaking tips from the stage

    Theatre director and actor John Bell offers proven tips for speaking in front of an audience like a pro...

  9. 5 changes to make you an exceptional leader

    To be successful leaders, accountants and finance professionals may need to adopt new habits and discard some ingrained ones...

  10. Kiwi rocket scientist Peter Beck on the space economy

    Self-taught Kiwi rocket scientist and CEO of Rocket Lab Peter Beck explains how – and why – he’s making space more accessible...

  11. Remarkable conversations and how to have them

    Ten common mistakes that prevent people from having remarkable conversations...

  12. Are you ready to establish your own practice?

    Chartered accountants on both sides of the Tasman talk about the greener grass of establishing their own practice after working for big firms...

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