
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 16

  1. Te Reo Pakihi: Talking business in Māori

    Eighty New Zealand business professionals enhanced their Māori language skills and cultural knowledge over two days...

  2. Tips for mentoring future business leaders

    Claire Mackay CA offers her first-hand account of mentoring the next generation of young CAs...

  3. Stay connected in business

    International motivational speaker Debbie Mayo-Smith believes people need to connect better in order to communicate better and says there are two key ways to make a connection. “No matter how you are...

  4. Why you need a bullet journal in your life

    Five reasons why bullet journals are great for streamlining your to-do lists into one organisational system...

  5. New rules for content marketing – are you complying?

    New guidance for avoiding legal trouble when rolling out your content marketing strategy...

  6. The business end of being a Red Bull Air Race pilot

    Behind the glamour of a Red Bull Air Race pilot, a team of successful managers, administrators and technicians does the business...

  7. How to ace your video job interview

    Office life – how to impress in a video interview with a potential employer...

  8. 8 public speaking tips from the stage

    Theatre director and actor John Bell offers proven tips for speaking in front of an audience like a pro...

  9. 5 changes to make you an exceptional leader

    To be successful leaders, accountants and finance professionals may need to adopt new habits and discard some ingrained ones...

  10. Remarkable conversations and how to have them

    Ten common mistakes that prevent people from having remarkable conversations...

  11. Tips to grow word-of-mouth marketing

    One important type of promotion that is often overlooked by business leaders is word of mouth marketing and advertising...

  12. How to build business resilience

    Overcoming misfortune or disaster is about focusing on a brighter future, says Sam Cawthorn...

  13. Motivating underachievers in the workplace

    Office life - tips and techniques to improve employee engagement...

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