
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 15

  1. What did Māori business learn in the 2020 lockdown?

    A BDO report details how Māori businesses coped with the loss of commercial activity and reset in the global pandemic...

  2. Can you handle the truth? Trust, ethics and automation

    December 2018 issue of Acuity tackles the big issues. EY Fellow for Trust and Ethics Clare Payne shoots down weasel words, and we look at how robotic process automation (RPA) could save accountants...

  3. How Theresa Gattung built her NZ food business

    Business leader Theresa Gattung shares her vision on why New Zealand and its companies and brands will continue to grow and prosper...

  4. Tackling the complex modern boardroom

    In an era of more complex business demands, what skills do modern board members need and what issues do they have to navigate?...

  5. Designing for an inclusive world

    Social entrepreneur Minnie Baragwanath is progressing on her mission to make NZ 100% accessible to those with access needs...

  6. Company stewards start to look past short-term profit

    Considering the long-term interests of a business can lead to better outcomes for the community as well as for the organisation...

  7. Modern slavery and how accountants can fight it

    Australian companies will soon be required under proposed federal legislation to report any exposure in their supply chains to slave labour...

  8. The price of caring

    Finance professionals have a responsibility to help their organisations create resilient businesses and a more sustainable world...

  9. Fighting crime with statistics

    PwC has created a big data model for the New Zealand Ministry of Justice that aims to identify youths at risk of offending so they can be set on a better life path...

  10. The lure of fraud

    What motivates a working professional to commit an economic crime?...

  11. Affiliate marketing and the law

    Five tips to keep businesses and their affiliate marketers out of legal hot water...

  12. Corporate programmes supporting indigenous Australians

    Inside corporate monoliths, committed people run programmes that can make a genuine difference in indigenous communities...

  13. Ricardo Semler on why idleness is good for business

    With a culture where staff set their own salaries and take nap breaks, how did businessman Ricardo Semler ever become a millionaire?...