
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 18

  1. Why every business needs a company power of attorney

    While CAs often recommend appointing a personal power of attorney, clients who are a director of a company (including sole traders) also need a company power of attorney in place. Here’s why...

  2. Ready...set, sold!

    Amid shifting supply chains, rising interest rates and business uncertainty, buyers are looking for opportunities. It’s important for clients to know the value of their businesses and have them...

  3. Will you be increasing your fees from 1 July 2022?

    With business and personal costs rising, accounting practices should be considering a fee increase come 1 July...

  4. Stop scope creep in its tracks

    It can be damaging to your practice in a number of ways, so how can you avoid scope creep? Brought to you by Ignition...

  5. Fight or flight: Inside Deloitte’s Virgin Australia rescue

    Deloitte’s turnaround team put Virgin Australia back in the air, concluding a sale and recapitalisation deal in just 10 weeks...

  6. The right succession planning for your clients

    Accountants can deliver an in-demand service to clients with this business valuation tool. Brought to you by Succession Plus...

  7. The right succession planning for your clients

    Accountants can deliver an in-demand service to clients with this business valuation tool. Brought to you by Succession Plus...

  8. How insurance plays a part in succession planning

    It makes sense to mitigate your risks in succession planning. Richard Hopwood from PPS Mutual explains what insurance can do...

  9. Sage’s transformative cloud solution

    HandiSoft Cloud removes friction from compliance processes and facilitates your advisory services. Brought to you by Sage...

  10. Is the price right? Focusing on business valuation

    Business valuation is a specialist skill that goes well beyond estimates of forward earnings...

  11. How acting for families can go wrong

    When you’re a family’s accountant, sometimes things get complicated. Here’s how to best approach a delicate family dynamic...

  12. CA ANZ unveils new tools and resources hub for members

    CA ANZ has redesigned its tools and resources hub to help members in practice navigate challenges with ease...

  13. Crombie Lockwood is back for CA ANZ members

    Crombie Lockwood has returned as an Affinity business insurance partner for CAs in NZ. Brought to you by Crombie Lockwood...

  14. Why become an accredited business valuation specialist?

    Business valuation is a growth area for CAs looking to the future, says Richard Stewart OAM FCA...

  15. Are balanced scorecards the wrong way to decide pay bonuses?

    Research shows fixed remuneration, not balanced scorecards, keeps finance professionals playing by the rules...

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