
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-14 of 14

  1. Swapping public holidays to celebrate diversity

    Businesses are encouraging employees to swap public holidays for ones that mean something to them in recognition of the diversity of the workplace...

  2. Accountants should act on gender pay gap

    New ways of working can create a more inclusive workplace, narrow the gender pay gap, attract talented professionals and prompt growth...

  3. Why are women accountants leaving their jobs?

    A study by accounting researchers Carly Moulang CA and Alessandro Ghio pinpoints how firms can keep their female staff...

  4. Where are the women in insolvency?

    Just 8.5% of Australia’s registered insolvency practitioners are women. In New Zealand, it’s about 20%. How can that change?...

  5. How to make networking work for women

    Four-hour golf games aren’t the way busy women connect. These women in senior roles share the ways they network instead...

  6. No excuses for unfair pay

    The gender pay gap may be a stubborn and frustrating problem, but that is no reason to divert attention elsewhere...

  7. How listening to clients helped a young firm find its niche

    Targeted marketing may be in vogue, but some firms are taking a different approach to attracting the right clients...

  8. What do CAs earn?

    CAs’ average earnings across Australia and New Zealand, the most in-demand skills, and why the gender pay gap persists...

  9. Gender pay gap proving tough to fix

    Paying equal wages for equal work was made law half a century ago, so why are women CAs earning 72% of what male CAs do?...

  10. How to sell what you do

    Accountants aren’t noted as self-promoters, but it’s crucial to be able to sell your skills. So how do you do it? It might be time to read the book on the subject...

  11. How self-interest could be the key to workplace diversity

    What does diversity mean in the workplace? And how can we best achieve it? Diversity champions Ken Woo FCA and Catherine Fox trade views on the best way to get business leaders backing the cause...

  12. How women can climb in professional services

    Why do so few women still reach the top in professional services? A new book by accountant Alison Temperley reveals how to climb faster and higher...

  13. Hot for yoga

    Holly Ord CA has managed to do what most women only dream about – have a successful dual career as a Director at Deloitte Australia and owner and founder of Bikram yoga practice, Hot for Yoga...