
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 42

  1. How to value an accounting firm for sale

    Forget the valuation, sale terms for CA firms are where mergers and acquisitions are won or lost...

  2. Economic prosperity rankings improve in Asia

    Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia outperform some G20 nations on economics, but not on personal freedoms, a new paper by CA ANZ finds...

  3. New Acuity podcast with BRiN entrepreneur Dale Beaumont

    Episode nine of the Acuity podcast, featuring Dale Beaumont, the creator of business advisor app BRiN, is now available...

  4. Acuity podcast episode eight with Ken Segall

    Episode eight of the Acuity podcast, featuring former Apple creative director Ken Segall, is now available...

  5. Acuity podcast episode seven now live

    Episode seven of the Acuity podcast, featuring Ricardo Semler discussing his unconventional style of management, is now available...

  6. Innovating from the top

    Embracing innovation can deliver rich rewards, but it needs to be woven into the very fabric of your organisation. Does your business have what it takes?...

  7. Acuity podcast episode six now live

    Episode six of the Acuity podcast, featuring TED speaker and author of The Business Romantic, Tim Leberecht, is now available...

  8. How to introduce value-adding services

    Practical ways members in practice can introduce additional services in their accounting firm...

  9. Cut through complexity with a code of conduct

    How well is your business communicating its purpose, core values and principles inside an ethical framework?...

  10. Acuity podcast episode four now live

    The fourth episode of the Acuity podcast, which investigates ethics in business, is now available...

  11. Virtual workplaces and the future of work

    They way we work is changing beyond recognition, and so are workplaces, according to global business guru Lynda Gratton...

  12. Stay connected in business

    International motivational speaker Debbie Mayo-Smith believes people need to connect better in order to communicate better and says there are two key ways to make a connection. “No matter how you are...

  13. Why you need an energy strategy

    What businesses can gain from introducing an energy strategy, and five tips for implementing one...

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