
Business tips, analysis and thought leadership for chartered accountants and business managers.

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Showing results 1-15 of 27

  1. Making Indigenous connections

    Global recognition of the contributions made by Indigenous businesses is growing. How are businesses leveraging these partnerships to drive not just economic returns, but also social and cultural...

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong

    Passive-aggressive behaviour adds a toxic layer to workplace culture, so why is it so common? Here are some of the classic signs and how to manage it...

  3. Willing and able

    University tax clinics that offer student accounting services to small businesses and not-for-profits are proving game changers in preparing graduates for an accounting career...

  4. Our secret to healthy cash flow

    The Healthy Chef has earned more than half a million Qantas Points with a business Card that’s helping the brand reach new heights. Brought to you by American Express...

  5. Managing poor performance

    Poor performers bring productivity down, so how can you help improve someone’s performance before it’s too late?...

  6. How to partner more effectively with your stakeholders

    Technical skills are table stakes in finance teams. Investing in soft skills development benefits each team member and leads to better stakeholder engagement. Brought to you by Synthesis Group...

  7. Ready...set, sold!

    Amid shifting supply chains, rising interest rates and business uncertainty, buyers are looking for opportunities. It’s important for clients to know the value of their businesses and have them...

  8. What accountants need to know about negotiating

    Negotiating is a useful skill in any profession and accounting is no different. Sales strategist Julia Ewert shares her top negotiating tips...

  9. Planting the seeds of financial literacy

    CA Catalyst’s recent CA in Residence Program with Seedlab Australia gave startups a taste of what CAs can offer...

  10. Is M&A the right growth strategy for accounting businesses?

    For accountants looking to grow their business through M&A over the next few years, there will be plenty of buying opportunities. But M&A is not for everyone, writes Paul Barrett...

  11. How to make networking work for women

    Four-hour golf games aren’t the way busy women connect. These women in senior roles share the ways they network instead...

  12. Credit restructuring in times of crisis

    Far from being a last resort, credit restructuring can help small businesses survive and thrive. Brought to you by Westpac NZ...

  13. No excuses for unfair pay

    The gender pay gap may be a stubborn and frustrating problem, but that is no reason to divert attention elsewhere...

  14. Hybrid Working, The New Normal: How Working From Home Impacts The CBD

    Is hybrid working the new normal? How has it impacted the CBD? As more people work from home this will surely have an impact on business in the city...

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